Thursday, March 30, 2017

Say WHAT??? 2013???

It's REALLY been 3 years since I wrote anything here??? LOL
Well... Life has changed QUITE a bit and I love most of it.
WHAT is it that I DON'T love?
Only that I weigh about 100kg's and I can't travel much.

No cancer, happy and healthy except my feet hurt when I stand too long and I can't walk very far on my poor little feeties 😄😄😄

Happy in my online business as well. We're on a kind of GO PRO drive now, which is why I'm kinda re-visiting old haunts like this blog hehehe

I've also got my computer back, and in force... 3 of em actually although I only use one of course. The other two are kind of backups and something my other team members can come and use if they want to.

Online gaming? Nah, not any more. The last one I enjoyed playing was GodsWar because when I'm not online I'm NOT online, and because it's the only game I've discovered so far that allows me to actually set up a shop and sell stuff to get game money. Which means, if I'm patient, I don't need to spend MY money. I do miss the camaraderie of online gaming tho.

Anyways. I'll do stuff here again now. But still... Not too much I would think.

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